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  • Office Supplies
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Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 4:30 | Friday 7:30 - 3:00 | Closed Saturday and Sunday

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Serving San Diego County

Since 1981

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What Our Customers are Saying

  • Dear Ms. Dreher, I am an art teacher at Southern Elementary School in Ohio County. It is that time of the year that we needed to make a request for art supplies for the coming school year. We have used BCB Supply in the past. Well, when we were on your web site it was so frustrating! So, I called and spoke with Pam and she explained that you were in the process of updating your website. She was a wonderful help to us. I believe that we were on the phone for at least an hour. She had to repeat the item numbers to me several times after finding the items we requested. I know that it was aggravating but she was always so patient and funny with us.
    I just thought it would be nice for you to know that you have an employee in your business that is a wonderful asset. Pam ended our conversation saying for us to call her anytime with any needs that we may have.

    Jo Anne Wood and Sissy Seegers, High School Teachers
  • I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate Bruce Edwards. He is always so kind, so professional and goes "above and beyond" to help make sure that we are given the best service possible. I hope that you will be able to express our appreiciation to him.

  • Thanks for the delicous meal Friday. We appreciate being appreciated!!!

    Vicki Pennycuff-PBI Bank
  • Thanks for providing lunch for myself and staff on customer appreciation day. The meal was very good. We truly enjoyed. Thanks for all you do in seeing we have our order correct and in a timely manner. Wishing you a tremendously good year.

    Pam Hodges Browning Barren County Clerk and Staff
  • Just a quick note to say "Thank You" for lunch today. We appreciate all you do for us... the service you provide is unbeatable and we couldn't ask for better folks to work with, A special Thank You to Larry Richey our sales rep... He absolutely cannot be beat!!! Plus, Bruce Edwards our delivery guy... What a Wonderful person!!!

    Allen Co Scottsville High & Technical Center
  • The lunch you sent us was so thoughtful and generous. WE all loved it- complete with drinks also! It is people of your charecter that makes the world of business fun. Joy Should be our goal in life, or at least one.

    To Barren County Business Supply
  • Thank you very much for the lunches on Friday, They were great!

    From the Staff @ European Design
Buying Power

Barren County Business Supply. Inc. is a member of an organization that allows Independent Dealers to buy products at a low cost.

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Better Than Box Stores

Free delivery on all orders - No minimum order amount.

$50 minimum for free delivery. Some items may be excluded. Read More

Site News

Barren County Business Supply, Inc. is a full service office products company serving South Central Kentucky since 1996.

Welcome to Barren County Business, Inc.

Barren County Business Supply, Inc. (bcbs) has been servicing South Central Kentucky since 1996. Our dealership offers many product lines, our main product line being Office Furniture. bcbs offers; Case goods, School Furniture, Cubicle Configurations of all types, Cafeteria (custom tables with logos with many finish options), cabinetry, blinds, and much more. Our company does the design of your spaces, all the way to installation, by the bcbs team.

BCBS, Inc. has accomplished large furniture installations, from New Schools, Manufacturing Facilities, and many small office spaces. Our team will take your vision and bring it to life in a 3D Rendering. We offer competitive pricing.

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